Nis University Library “Nikola Tesla” is located in the south part of the University building. Find us on the Map

It is a general – purpose scientific library designed to meet the learning, teaching and researching needs of the academic population. Furthermore, it has grown into a modern documentation-information center, the greatest in the southeast of Serbia, capable of providing comprehensive services to the widest public.

The library was founded in 1967. Since 1978 it has been named after the great scientist Nikola Tesla.

It provides the users with any information needed, including bibliographic search, inter-library loan services and user education. The library material can be used in one of the several reading rooms, with more than a hundred seats.

Opening hours:
7:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
July and August. 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

More information at info-ubn@ni.ac.rs


The library collections contain 95.000 books and 1.380 titles of scientific journals in more than 70.000 volumes, a collection of 5.100 dissertations promoted at the Nis University (both in printed and electronic form), a rich collection of reference books and legacies of the distinguished local scholars, as well as a collection of electronic publications and non-book material.

Since 2002, via KoBSON, the library has gained the access to electronic scientific journals and books in full-text. More information at www.kobson.nb.rs

Since it carries the name of the great scientist Nikola Tesla, the library pays special attention to collecting publications on Tesla's life and work and has a great collection of both hard-copy and electronic documents on Tesla.

The library founded and maintains the Digital repository of the Nis University.

It has also been digitizing parts of its collection since 2004. The first to be digitized were the publications on Nikola Tesla. Today, it has a large number of digitized material, divided into several editions.


Publishing activities

The library publishes its own publications and publications in cooperation with other institutions or individuals, within the three publishing libraries. The first two are a part of the Digital repository:

The Bibliographies Library comprises bibliographies of scholarly writings of the Nis University teaching staff, bibliographies of journal articles and catalogues.

The Monographs Library includes books related to Nikola Tesla, the city of Nis and the librarianship.

The Biography Library publishes monographs about important scholars of this region.


The thematic exhibitions, as well as presentations of newly acquired publications, awarded books and the ones dedicated to significant dates, individuals or events, are regularly organized in the library hall.

The newly opened University library gallery is the place where young, academic authors can exhibit their work.

Library cooperation

The University Library has developed fruitful cooperation with the most important academic and public libraries in Serbia and abroad, educational and cultural institutions, as well as NGOs, business companies and individuals. It has been a partner or a participant of the several international projects, such as the Tempus projects.

User education

Library staff help its users learn to search the electronic catalogues of this and other libraries on their own. The library also organizes educational tours for students and other potential users, as well as presentations at the faculties, to make students acquainted with its services.


Borrowing library material

Library members can be all the citizens with the valid identity card. In order to use the library material and all the other services of the library, a user has to be registered.

In order to register into the library, students need an identity card and a university student's identification. For all other citizens only identity card is needed. When borrowing books for taking home, students have to deposit their student's identification at the library. To enrol into the library, a user pays an annual membership fee (365 days from the day of enrolment). It is also possible to get the thirty-day library card. The faculty teaching staff pay group membership.

Library users may borrow three books to take out. The borrowing period is fourteen days. The teaching staff of the Nis University are allowed to borrow up to six books to take out for the period of three months. If there is a need, this period can be extended once. However, when this time period is overdue, the users are fined.

If users want to work in the reading rooms of the library, they may get three books or one volume of a periodical at a time, while the teaching staff of the Nis University and researchers may use up to ten books and three volumes of a periodical.

The total number of books borrowed daily is not limited.

Most of the books are allowed to be taken out. Reference books, books that are the only copy, the books gained via interlibrary loan, library material belonging to legacies, old and rare books, as well as periodicals and non-book material, can be used only in the reading rooms of the library.


Library collections search

The thematic exhibitions, as well as presentations of newly acquired publications, awarded books and the ones dedicated to significant dates, individuals or events, are regularly organized in the library hall.

It is possible to make a book reservation, via service “My library”.

Bibliographic search

The library users are also given the services of bibliographic search of the required material. After filling in the form, a user gets the results of the search in the printed or electronic form.

Interlibrary loan services

The literature that cannot be found in any of the library collections may be borrowed from other libraries in the country and abroad.
The borrowed books are allowed to be used only in the library reading rooms, while the photocopies remain in user’s possession. pozajmica@ni.ac.rs (within the country) snezana.jancic@ni.ac.rs (international)

Other services

The library provides its users with the services of photocopying, scanning, printing and binding of library material.

Nis University Library “Nikola Tesla”

Find us on the Map.


Kej Mike Paligorica 2а, 18000 Nis


Mrs. Snežana Bojović

Mrs. Snežana Lazić, Department Head

Mr. Goran Marinković


Mrs. Dušica Pešić


Mrs. Jelena Glišić, Department Head

Mrs. Marijana Stojanović


Mr. Bojan Stamenović


Mrs. Sanja Simijonović


Mrs. Andrijana Stojanović, Department Head

Mrs. Andrijana Stojanović


Mrs. Tijana Bojović


Mrs. Danijela Savić


Mrs. Aleksandra Spasić


Mr. Dejan Mladenović


Mr. Vladimir Mirković


Mrs. Snežana Pekić


Mrs. Snežana Jančić, Department Head

Mr. Nebojša Zdravković, BSCE


Mrs. Valentina Randjelović, Secretary


Mrs. Dragana Vranić Lazarević


Mr. Božidar Dinić


Mrs. Lozica Stojanović, Chief Accountant


Mrs. Sonjica Ristić


Mrs. Katarina Ristić
